Although sidewalk danger doesn’t seem like a big issue, tripping, cycling or falling on a broken down sidewalk can be dangerous. Over time sidewalks need maintenance to prevent accidents. This can include re-paving, installing joints to allow for more movement or trimming tree roots to limit growth into the sidewalk.

Factors contributing to sidewalk danger would include: weather conditions, inattention of the pedestrian, unsuitable footwear, a person’s age and knowledge of the sidewalk condition. Although, the city is to maintain the basic maintenance of sidewalks to help ensure safe traveling, the pedestrian or cyclist should be aware of possible dangers as well. Cracks in the sidewalks and raised concrete should be avoided as best as possible.

Another issue that contributes to sidewalk danger is drivers not being able to see those on a sidewalk. Dark clothes make it difficult to see travelers at night, especially if the weather has reduced visibility.

For disabled people, parents, children and cyclists, sidewalk danger can be an even larger concern and issue. Pedestrian or not, even bike lanes increase sidewalk danger with an accident study showing that riding on sidewalk can be about twice as risky as riding on the road. The best measure to prevent a cycling accident would be to have lights on the front and rear of the bike. This will not only make you more visible to drivers, but will allow you to see more possible sidewalk dangers on your path.

Sidewalk danger is an issue that is often fixed not only by being alert but mainly by regular sidewalk maintenance. When joints are installed to allow for concrete to move more freely, it greatly decreases the possibility of accident for pedestrians and cyclists.